Today, March 14, 2023 is Equal Pay Day
“This date symbolizes how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year.”[note][/note] Women have to work a fifth of a year longer to make it to the same pay as men.
The wage gap for Black and Latino women is much larger.
A Simple Step to a Solution
Pass a law requiring all employers to post the actual annual salaries and any bonuses (cash, stock, stock options) for every person in the company. Some will complain that this is an invasion of privacy. In this case, the only privacy being served is for those at the top of the management pile who don’t want to have everyone see the actual extent of the inequities in play. Privacy here only benefits the winners. BTW, this same step would go a long way to eliminating the pay inequities between whites, Blacks and Latinos in general.